The Circuitron Remote Tortoise™ Mount (RTM) provides a flexible and efficient way to operate your turnouts. This system features a molded base mechanism where the TORTOISE™ switch machine (sold separately) is mounted. An adjustable lever arm connects to the TORTOISE™ output, driving a stainless steel wire through a flexible Teflon tube, similar to a miniature choke cable.
The compact actuator mechanism installs beneath the turnout, using a spring wire and brass tube to transmit motion to the switch points. The mounting bracket, along with the TORTOISE™, can be positioned anywhere within 18 inches of the turnout—whether beneath the layout or even inside a structure above the layout.
For installation, the actuator mechanism requires only ½ inch of clearance under the turnout sub-roadbed. The RTM is fully adjustable, making it compatible with all scales and turnout brands.
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SKU: 13-TortoiseMount-800-6100
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